Our personal perception of reality is theresult of knowing and sensing.
When we are in a space our eyes perceive itssurfaces, which are illuminated, by degrees,with artificial light or sunlight. We hearsounds and smell scents, and we feel differenttemperatures and sit comfortably, or not as thecase may be. We also know, or at least have aninkling of what lies behind the surface, how the materials have been worked and preparedand where they come from. We remember howwe arrived in the space. We remember theadjacent spaces and perhaps who is standingin them and can imagine ourselves beingthere. We saw the building from the outside,or maybe only in pictures. We know wherewe are, or maybe not. We most likely knowwhich country we are in and the names of ourneighbouring planets, and assume the universeis endless and that it was created in a specificmoment. All this affects our being, and all ofthis is architecture.
The shown projects are spaces of houses,developed by 25 students for themselves.All the projects are represented with anideographic model and a rendering. Themodels are small in scale and covered withgold leaf. The renderings are big in scale,giving an immediate impression of nakedspace. Reading these two almost oppositionalrepresentations together one can possiblycreate a personal reality out of a representedessence of each individual building.
Neven Mikac Fuchs
Raphael Zuber
Chris Engh
Jonas Lippestad
Kai Reaver
Merethe Skjellvik
Torunn Stensheim
Julie Aars
Sigurd Gjesti Berge
Siri Bjørntvedt
Håvard Mørkved Bohne
Martin Brandsdal
Young Eun Choi
Laura Cristea
Juliane Mari Myking Eide
Cristina Gallizioli
Merce Lorente Gras
Maia Hodne
Maria Andreassen Hummelsund
David Kennedy
Daniel Torkjell Kvalem
Niklas Lenander
Margherita Napolitani
Eivind Nesterud
Emil Christiansen Pira
Haris Ramic
Jenny Margrete Rognli
Even Småkasin
Pedro Sjøblom Tavares
Aina Coll Torrent
Jenny Ueland
Peder Vilnes
Tiffany Weber