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The technology is becoming more and more invisible these days.

For small children there is no longer difference between water- colour and iPad. We are supported by technology, but technology doesn't represent future any more. Technology became nothing more than a tool to achieve a real human life. The dream about better society doesn’t represent future either. What are then the forces today that drive architecture into the future?


We invite students to imagine and find a future to represent past with architectural form and space. Students had a task to design a building that can be a house, a chapel, or any other architectural type one could imagine. The only requirement was to make sure one is creating a timeless architecture, which will be lasting in use for the next 400 years on a chosen the site. The guest-professor in the studio was be Japanese architect Takaharu Tezuka (Tezuka Architects., professor at Tokyo City University.







Neven Mikac Fuchs

Takaharu Tezuka

Julie Aars

Sofia Cuhna

Bosheng Gan

Eivind Nesterud

Kai Reaver






Kathrine Atterås Galtung

Ermioni Patsou Garramone

Øivind Haaland

Pia Cathrin Habostad

Yi He

Brit KristinHeltne

Zirou Jin

Jonas HalvorsenLøland

Bao Trung Mai

Tommaso Maserati

Jon Bjørn Dundas Morå

Christos Pampafikos

Bo Peng

Jan HenrikRemme

Julia Roditeleva

Mark Sanches Olivares

Javiera Viktoria Sanhueza

Juris Strangots

Kristoffer Oben Tørstad

Joao Vale

Anna Verdaguer Pons

Wenkai Xu

Yaohan Yu

Zheng Zhou


Website designed by Young Eun Choi

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